Saffron Park
Original Works

Blog Posts
You've Got Mail and Shop Around the Corner: A Comparison

The Late Autumn Frost on the Leaves (Limerick)
I Saw a Pale Shape Lying on the Ground (Sonnet)
Higgledy-Piggledy / Public Authority (Double Dactyl)
Higgledy-Piggledy / Apple Slice Tragedy (Double Dactyl)
Higgledy-Piggledy / Batman V Superman (Double Dactyl)
There once was a Catholic named Guy (Limerick)
A Norman named William C. (Limerick)
A cover letter submitted to my local library. (Pastiche)
Higgledy-Piggledy / President Abraham (Double Dactyl)
To the Crescent Moon

The Fugleman Crew - A MSPaint Adventures-inspired webcomic about a secret agent and his mishaps in a hotel room. Run during the summer of 2014 until my computer died unexpectedly.

The Parts We Play - A scene written in Febuary 2021 for a school assignment. An elf in showbuisness attends a Noble ball to flatter his benefactors and recieve his next assignment | Updated Jun. 2022